The canvas is the main drawing area in Glaxnimate.

The canvas¶
Each tool has its own set of features and interactions, see Tools for details.
Moving around¶
All movement interactions are done with the middle mouse button / mouse wheel.
Drag while holding the mouse middle button to pan.
You can scroll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, alternatively hold Ctrl and drag up and down with the middle mouse button.
If you hold Shift while dragging with the middle mouse button, you can rotate the canvas.
Finer control¶

Transform Widget¶
At the bottom of the window, you have finer controls for the view, they are described as follows:
Fit View button: resets the view and shows the entire canvas.
Zoom spin box: allows to see and change the zoom level.
Zoom In button: increases the zoom level.
Zoom Out button: decreases the zoom level.
Reset Zoom button: resets the zoom to 100%, without affecting panning or rotation.
Angle spin box: allows to see and change the canvas rotation.
Reset Rotation button: resets the angle to 0, without affecting panning or zoom.